A product-based technology transfer model for medical image management systems: The PACS-INR case.


  • Marco Antonio Núñez
  • Heriberto Aguirre Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación
  • María de Lourdes Martínez


Technology Transfer Model, Value of Innovation, Intellectual Property, Medical Systems, PACS


Technology transfer is of utmost importance when it takes place between two public health institutions. Through this process, the patient can be better cared for, the technology receiver optimizes its resources, and the provider assesses its technology. This article presents a phased model with deliverables for the technology transfer of the software components of the PACS-INR system for the storage, transmission and visualization of medical images between the National Institute of Rehabilitation (INRLGII) and the National Institute of Psychiatry (INPRFM). The implementation of the proposed model aims to provide fast and organized access to medical images, facilitating early diagnosis, monitoring and personalized treatment of disabling neurological disorders such as stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, while promoting technological innovation in the healthcare environment, sharing resources and experience in the design and development of complex medical systems.  The model considers innovation assessment, institutional mechanisms for transfer, intellectual property protection, process management, and technology assimilation, which can serve as a reference for developers and researchers interested in sharing the products derived from their research.


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How to Cite

Núñez MA, Aguirre H, Martínez M de L. A product-based technology transfer model for medical image management systems: The PACS-INR case. InDiscap [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];. Available from: https://dsm.inr.gob.mx/indiscap/index.php/INDISCAP/article/view/49



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