Risk factors associated with central auditory processing disorder
Central auditory process disorder, perinatal risk factors, socio-family risk factorsAbstract
Introduction: There are neurological, auditory and visual sensory risk factors as well as socio-family risk factors that may be present before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after the child’s gestation that can produce alterations in their neurodevelopment, however there are few. Reports of these risks associated with central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). The objective of this study was to describe and compare the frequency of these factors in schoolchildren with and without CAPD.
Material and methods: Observational, comparative, non-experimental cross-sectional study that consisted of studying a voluntary sample of mothers of schoolchildren grouped with and without CAPD between March and November 2019, to describe the biological and socio-family risks before, during and after pregnancy. Comparing them in children with and without CAPD, using χ2 of homogeneity (comparison), χ2 of independence (association) and Cohen’s kappa strength of association. After signing informed consent, a structured interview conducted with the parents and a battery of psychoacoustic tests applied to evaluate central auditory processes in the children. Results: A group of 44 cases and another of 40 controls were studied, five prenatal, eight perinatal and seven socio-family risk factors were identified. Associated with CAPD, threatened abortion, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, hyperbilirubinemia, unplanned pregnancy and domestic violence. Conclusions: Even when there is evidence of risk factors associated with CAPD, those identified here be taken into account as a history in schoolchildren with clinical manifestations compatible with this disorder.
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