Burnout syndrome in the online learning period in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic
online learning, COVID-19, university students, student, burnout syndromeAbstract
Introduction: since the COVID-19 outbreak, studies have emerged describing higher levels of burnout and increased risk perception among college students during COVID-19 pandemic. Student burnout syndrome (SBS) is defined as a psychological problem derived continual exposure to stressors related to school and studies. Objective: the aim of this study was to describe and compare the frequency of burnout syndrome among the chiropractic students at the Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE) in a pandemic context due to COVID-19. Material and methods: a survey was conducted using the Unidimensional Student Burnout Scale (EUBE), designed and valid for undergraduate students, data were collected in two different periods, with the first collection taking place 25th November 2020 named group 1 (GI) and the second data collection occurred at 16th March 2021 named group 2 (GII) (both dates had suspension of presential activities). Results: the frequency of SBS among chiropractic students in the GI was 97.15%, while, in the GII was 94.09% (decreased by 3.06%) (p = 0.001), in GII, a mild level occurred at 53.76 % (12.04% more than GI) (p = 0.001), the moderate level 27.96% (12.04% less than GI) (p = 0.001), and in the severe level we detected in 12.37% (3.06% less than GI) (p = 0.001). Conclusions: the results of this study may be considered as an early investigation in understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among chiropractic students. The EUBE is overall a good instrument to allow levels of burnout to be identified, based on two sub-dimensions: the behavioral and emotional, this tool can be usable even with different student populations.
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