General Evaluation of Risk Management in research laboratories with Integrated Quality Systems


  • Araceli Guerra-Grajeda Dirección de Investigación, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación-Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra. Asociación Iberoamericana de Gestión de Riesgos y Seguros A.C. (AIGRYS).
  • Nayeli B. Gabiño-López Jefe de Laboratorio de Histología y Microscopia Confocal, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica INMEGEN.
  • Anallely Muñoz-Rivas Responsable de calidad del Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Genómico, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica INMEGEN.


Research laboratories, Integrated Quality Systems, Risk Management


Accreditation in Quality Systems in hospitals and clinical laboratories have been developed significantly in the last two decades in Europe, the United States of America and Canada, which now makes it indispensable in the health systems of industrialized countries. Recently, the need to cover research areas has become relevant by taking the experience of diagnostic laboratories. Unfortunately, in the countries of Latin-America, Asia, and Africa, these are poor practices. Therefore, in this study we analyzed the perception of the level of risk to which members of three health research laboratories are exposed, based on the information collected derived from the implementation of a quality management system with the requirements of ISO9001: 2015, ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 15189: 2012. Our results identified the need to implement an Integrated Quality Systems (SIC) between the ISO 45001: 2018 Standard "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems" and the Quality Standards already used ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 15189: 2012, in order to reduce, treat and maintain risks at an acceptable level, both for patients and for the organization's staff. Our findings show the importance of the implementation of a SIC in areas where they have scarcely been implemented in our country, such as the areas of research in the area of Health. 

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How to Cite

Guerra-Grajeda A, Gabiño-López NB, Muñoz-Rivas A. General Evaluation of Risk Management in research laboratories with Integrated Quality Systems. Invest. Discapacidad [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];7(3):100-9. Available from:



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