Western blot: a tool in the biomedical field


  • Karina Martínez-Flores
  • Ángel Tonatiuh Salazar-Anzures
  • Javier Fernández-Torres
  • Carlos Pineda
  • Carlos Alberto Aguilar-González
  • Alberto López-Reyes


Western blot, immunodetection, electrophoresis, protein, immunoblot, antibody


The Western blot technique, also called immunoblotting, is a high-sensitivity and semi-quantitative molecular technique that allows the analysis of a specific protein or protein profile. This is a technique for separating proteins according to their charge and molecular weight in polyacrylamide gels and their subsequent transference to a solid membrane, in which a specific antibody detects the protein. Four decades after its creation, the Western blot technique has gained an essential role in the diagnosis of various medical conditions, as well as an everyday tool in biomedical research.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Flores K, Salazar-Anzures Ángel T, Fernández-Torres J, Pineda C, Aguilar-González CA, López-Reyes A. Western blot: a tool in the biomedical field. Invest. Discapacidad [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];6(3):128-37. Available from: https://dsm.inr.gob.mx/indiscap/index.php/INDISCAP/article/view/329



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