Thermal ablation: an alternative to bone cancer
bone tumor, thermotherapy, thermal ablation, bone metastasis, modelingAbstract
The present work is a bibliographic review about the most common therapies to treat bone tumors (surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy). An analysis of the most important advantages, disadvantage, side effects and costs of each therapy was done. On the other hand, an exhausted research of the new treatment techniques called thermotherapies (ablation specifically) is presented. The main goal is to define, taking into account its characteristics, if thermal ablation can be considered as a new alternative to treat bone tumor, and even if it can be a better option than the conventional therapies. Some clinical studies and modelling analysis have shown good results in the treatment of bone tumors with thermal ablation (tumor temperatures above 70°C). According to some studies, thermal ablation is very useful in bone metastasis, due to the pain reduction in the patients. Finally, a simple model of a MW antenna for thermal ablation is presented in order to show its interaction with bone tissue.
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