Psychological and physical status related to coping styles in caregivers of stroke patients


  • Gabriel Valadez-Roque Postgrado de Psicología, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  • Susana Martín del Campo-Arias Servicio de Rehabilitación de Enfermedad Vascular Cerebral, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación-LGII.
  • Claudia Hernández-Arenas Servicio de Rehabilitación de Enfermedad Vascular Cerebral, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación-LGII.


Caregiver, coping styles, psychological state, physical state


Aim: To determine the prevalence of physical and psychological disorders in caregivers of patients with stroke sequelae and their relation with caregiver’s coping styles. Material and methods: Demographic data of 115 patient-caregiver dyads were collected as well as data about functional status (Barthel index) of patients and coping styles, psychological symptoms (stress, anxiety, burden and depression) and ANS modulation in caregivers (by means of heart rate variability). Results: The mean age of caregivers was 47 ± 13 years, 81 were women, and 46 were diagnosed with a disease. The direct reframing coping style toward life and toward the patient correlated negatively with depression (r=-.241 and r=-.237, respectively). The emotional negative coping style toward life and toward the patient correlated positively with stress (r = .462 and r = .402, respectively), anxiety (r = .405 and r = .485, respectively) and depression (r = .439 and r = .511, respectively). We also found a positive correlation between caregiver’s income and sympathetic activity (r = .254) and a negative correlation between the time as caregiver in months and sympathetic activity (r = -.259). Conclusion: Caregiving affects negatively over the caregivers health and coping styles are associated with the presence of psychopathology this population, these strategies can be taken into account when designing psychological interventions for this population and for the rehabilitation process in general terms.

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How to Cite

Valadez-Roque G, Martín del Campo-Arias S, Hernández-Arenas C. Psychological and physical status related to coping styles in caregivers of stroke patients. Invest. Discapacidad [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];6(1):3-11. Available from:



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