Editorial policy

Editorial Workflow:

  1. Submission Receipt:

    • Upon receiving a manuscript, the Editorial Office acknowledges receipt and assigns a unique identifier to the submission.
    • The manuscript undergoes an initial screening to ensure compliance with the journal's Guidelines for authors.
  2. Editorial Assessment:

    • The Editor-in-Chief or Section Editor conducts an initial assessment to determine the manuscript's suitability for peer review.
    • Manuscripts that meet the journal's scope and quality criteria proceed to the peer review process.
  3. Peer Review Process:

    • The Editor selects appropriate reviewers with expertise in the manuscript's subject matter. Reviewers may include members of the Editorial Team or external experts.
    • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript's originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and contribution to the field.
    • The Editor synthesizes reviewers' comments and provides authors with a decision, along with constructive feedback for revision if necessary.
  4. Revision and Resubmission:

    • Authors are invited to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' feedback and the Editor's recommendations.
    • Revised manuscripts are reevaluated by the Editor to ensure that reviewers' concerns have been adequately addressed.
  5. Final Decision:

    • The Editor makes a final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication, request further revisions, or reject it.
    • Accepted manuscripts proceed to the production stage, where they undergo copyediting, layout formatting, and proofreading.
  6. Publication:

    • Once the production process is complete, the manuscript is published online on the journal's website, ensuring immediate accessibility to readers worldwide.
    • Authors are provided with a digital object identifier (DOI) for their published work, facilitating citation and dissemination.
  7. Post-Publication:

    • The Editor monitors post-publication feedback and may consider issuing corrections or retractions in cases of identified errors or misconduct.
    • Authors are encouraged to engage with readers through online comments, social media, and academic networks to promote further discussion and dissemination of their research.

Editor Role Description:

  • Editor-in-Chief: The Editor-in-Chief provides strategic leadership and oversight for the journal's editorial operations. Responsibilities include:

    • Establishing and implementing editorial policies to ensure the quality and integrity of published content.
    • Selecting and managing the Editorial Team, ensuring diversity and expertise across relevant disciplines.
    • Making final decisions on manuscript acceptance, guided by peer review evaluations and editorial judgment.
    • Representing the journal in academic and professional forums, fostering collaborations, and promoting the journal's visibility and impact.
  • Co-Editor(s): The Co-Editor(s) assists the Editor-in-Chief by conducting initial manuscript assessments, assigning reviewers, and coordinating the peer review process. They also synthesize reviewers' feedback to aid in making editorial decisions and guide authors through the revision process. Additionally, Co-Editors contribute to the development of editorial policies and the strategic planning of the journal, helping to enhance its visibility and impact within the academic community.
  • Section Editor(s): Section Editors assist the Editor-in-Chief in managing the editorial workflow and decision-making process. Responsibilities include:

    • Conducting initial manuscript assessments and assigning appropriate reviewers.
    • Coordinating peer review and synthesizing reviewers' comments to assist the Editor-in-Chief in making editorial decisions.
    • Providing feedback to authors and guiding them through the revision process.
    • Contributing to editorial policy development, strategic planning, and journal promotion efforts.
  • Editorial Team Members: Editorial Team Members provide expertise and support in reviewing manuscripts, shaping editorial policies, and promoting the journal within their respective fields. Responsibilities include:

    • Reviewing manuscripts within their area of expertise and providing timely, constructive feedback to authors.
    • Advising the Editor-in-Chief on emerging trends, topics, and priorities in disability research.
    • Participating in editorial meetings, discussions, and initiatives to maintain the journal's academic excellence and relevance.

Through effective editorial workflow management and the dedicated contributions of the Editor and Editorial Team, Investigación en Discapacidad aims to uphold the highest standards of scholarly publishing and advance knowledge in the field of disability studies.