Literature review of early therapeutic intervention as a fundamental tool for the development of motor skills in children with visual impairment from five to 12 years


  • Andrea Correa Becerra Licenciada en Terapia Física.
  • Verónica Cervantes Román Terapista Profesional en Rehabilitación. Maestría en Fisioterapia Deportiva, Maestría en Gestión Directiva en Salud, adscrita al Centro Nacional Modelo de Atención, Investigación y Capacitación para la Rehabilitación de Personas Ciegas y Débiles Visuales Sistema Nacional DIF.



visual impairment, blind children, visual impairment people.


In rehabilitation there are conditions or pathologies that have a more extensive epidemiology than others, which is the reason why some attract more attention to investigate, however, despite the fact that the figures for visual impairment are high, there is not enough information or research on this part of rehabilitation, thus obtaining limited knowledge of the subject. In the Centro Nacional Modelo de Atención, Investigación y Capacitación para la Rehabilitación de Personas Ciegas y Débiles Visuales del Sistema Nacional DIF, as its name indicates, it mainly cares for patients with visual impairment, so the information obtained from this research could benefit its users, especially the child population group, as during typical development, gross motor coordination gradually improves with increasing age, but this may not occur in children with visual impairment since sight is not an independent sense. This strongly linked to global motor activity, posture, hand coordination and the personality of children. Hence the importance of not allowing the appearance of visual impairment affects the psychomotor, social and emotional development of the individual. 

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How to Cite

Correa Becerra A, Cervantes Román V. Literature review of early therapeutic intervention as a fundamental tool for the development of motor skills in children with visual impairment from five to 12 years. Invest. Discapacidad [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];10(1):61-75. Available from:



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