Assessment of the functional capacity of patients with cerebral palsy secondary to a treatment with botulinum A toxin and post-surgical rehabilitation treatment


  • Nallely Hernández Mendoza Médico Especialista en Rehabilitación en Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.
  • Carlos Publio Viñals Labañino Médico Especialista en Rehabilitación, Jefe del Servicio de Parálisis Cerebral y Estimulación Temprana del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación «Dr. Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra».
  • Cindy Rodríguez Bandala Médico adscrito al Área de Investigación del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación «Dr. Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra».


Cerebral palsy, botulinum toxin, postoperative rehabilitation, functional capacity, PEDI-CAT, GMFCS


Cerebral palsy is the leading cause of disability in children and care in the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation at the National Institute of Rehabilitation. Objective: To evaluate changes programs. Methodology: Hospitalized children were enrolled in the study in the Hospitalization in functional capacity of patients with cerebral palsy enrolled in two intensive rehabilitation Unit for Pediatric Rehabilitation divided into two treatment groups: after application of botulinum toxin A and post-orthopedic surgical treatment, functional capacity was evaluated by applying the instrument Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computerized Adaptive Test, hospital admission, at discharge and three weeks after discharge, the effects of the rehabilitation program were analyzed. Results: 85 patients were studied, with an average age of 7.5 years, found that spastic diparesis was the most frequent topographical, patients classified as outpatients in the group of intensive rehabilitative postsurgical treatment scored better on the PEDICAT in 3 times evaluative, with statistically significant changes in activities of social/cognitive daily life and mobility. Conclusions: The pedi-CAT instrument showed high intraobserver and interobserver reliability, to assess changes in functional capacity in children with cerebral palsy. Significant improvements in the domains of pedi-CAT were tested only in outpatients incorporated into postsurgical intensive rehabilitative treatment.

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How to Cite

Hernández Mendoza N, Viñals Labañino CP, Rodríguez Bandala C. Assessment of the functional capacity of patients with cerebral palsy secondary to a treatment with botulinum A toxin and post-surgical rehabilitation treatment. Invest. Discapacidad [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];5(3):131-8. Available from:



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