Muscle and cancer: a bidirectional relationship. Pathophysiology and consequences


  • Lluvia Itzel León-Reyes
  • Patricia Canto
  • Ramón M Coral-Vázquez



sarcopenia, cancer, mortality, survival, chemotherapy, radiotherapy


The muscle has very important interrelationships with other organs such as the heart, liver, brain

and adipose tissue. Its wear, known as sarcopenia, has been associated with different types of

cancer during treatment, which causes an increase in toxicity derived from both, chemotherapy and

radiotherapy. This causes treatment delays and unwanted dose adjustments that negatively impact

the survival of cancer patients. There is evidence that suggests that sarcopenia persists even in

the survival stage, conditioning a negative impact on the quality of life of patients and on their work

productivity. Different physiopathological mechanisms at the cellular and molecular level involved in

sarcopenia in cancer are known, which increasingly show a bidirectional relationship, both positive

and negative, between cancer and muscle.


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How to Cite

León-Reyes LI, Canto P, Coral-Vázquez RM. Muscle and cancer: a bidirectional relationship. Pathophysiology and consequences. InDiscap [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];9(3):136-4. Available from:



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