Rotator cuff injuries: current state of the literature focusing on rehabilitation


  • Lya Contreras-del Toro
  • Javier González-Damián
  • Eva Cruz-Medina
  • Salvador Israel Macías-Hernández



shoulder pain, rotator cuff injuries, diagnosis, therapeutics, rehabilitation


Rotator cuff injuries are the leading cause of shoulder pain in adults. The evidence and

recommendations on its diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation are updated rapidly. Patients clinically

present shoulder pain, weakness, and functional limitation, it is necessary to carry out an adequate

evaluation to have a precise diagnosis and decide on the request for complementary studies. The

initial treatment is conservative and consists of a combination of medications, physiotherapy, and joint

care recommendations. Rehabilitation is basic in conservative treatment, and pre and post-surgery.

Exercise is the most effective intervention in treatment and the cornerstone of rehabilitation. Knowing

the bases of the rehabilitation process allows the clinician to develop programs based on the patients’

needs and their functional reintegration. This review article delves into the above points, providing

an overview of the rotator cuff injuries rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Contreras-del Toro L, González-Damián J, Cruz-Medina E, Macías-Hernández SI. Rotator cuff injuries: current state of the literature focusing on rehabilitation. InDiscap [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];9(1):13-2. Available from:



Evidence synthesis and meta-research

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